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Are Drums Hard to Learn? Quick Answers To Help You Get Started

If you've been asking yourself: Are drums hard to learn? Learning any new skill can be challenging. However, with dedication and practice, anyone can learn to play.

Quick Answer

Some people may find it easy to pick up drumming, while others may struggle initially. Learning to play the drums requires coordination between the hands and feet, as well as understanding musical notation and timing. However, with consistent practice and patience, anyone can learn to play the drums. As with any musical instrument, it takes time and effort to master.

Let’s get into it!

If you’ve been asking yourself: Are drums hard to learn?

When you first look at a drum set it can become overwhelming. It can be hard to imagine what is involved and what piece to play when. However, learning how to play this instrument may be easier than you think.

What is the Ideal Age to Learn How to Play Drums?

are drums hard to learn

The answer to this question is that you can start playing drums at any age. Some people feel younger is better, but this isn’t always true. It is easy to learn drumming no matter what age you are.

The only requirement is energy and practice time. The more you practice, the more you learn, and the better you get at drumming.

People of various ages doubt their ability at learning drums. However, there is no ideal age to commence. Playing the drums is a fun and healthy activity enjoyable for the rest of your life.

So, if you are wondering when the best time to start learning drums is, or you are second-guessing yourself as a beginner drummer, the correct answer is that any age is the best time to learn how to play the drums.

Are Drums Hard to Learn?

Learning how to drum can be challenging and easy. Some people learn rhythms rapidly, have natural coordination, and clap on time. In this case, learning how to play this musical instrument is natural, enjoyable, and easy.

However, as with anything you choose to learn, there is always a learning curve. The key to sticking with it is to enjoy your successes and use the challenges to push you further. Whether it comes naturally or requires effort, you will improve with practice. Some people simply pick it up quicker than others.

How Long Does It Take to Learn How to Play Drums?

You can learn simple songs and a basic beat in a few weeks, but this depends on how fast you learn and how often you practice. The more frequently you practice and the longer the duration, the faster muscle memory is established.

What is the Daily Time Commitment?

For quick results, you need a few hours of weekly practice. The more frequently you practice, the more you will progress. Ideally, you should set aside an uninterrupted 30 minutes daily.

If you are busy and this isn’t a possible time commitment, even short practice durations can be helpful. Learning to play should be enjoyable. Even if you practice for one hour weekly, you will still progress.

Related Article: How to choose a drum set for beginners

Drum lessons for beginners

Is it a good idea to take music lessons when learning how to play the drums? Absolutely! Here are some benefits of taking music lessons:

  • Structured Learning: Music lessons provide a structured learning environment with a clear progression of skills to master.
  • Professional Guidance: A qualified music teacher can provide personalized feedback and guidance to improve technique and musicality.
  • Motivation and Accountability: Having regular lessons can keep students motivated to practice and improve, and accountable for their progress.
  • Exposure to Different Styles: A music teacher can introduce students to various styles of drumming and help them develop a diverse musical vocabulary.
  • Networking Opportunities: Through music lessons, students can connect with other musicians, which can lead to opportunities for collaboration and performance.

Is Purchasing a Drum Set Expensive?

Purchasing a set doesn’t require a great deal of money. It may become progressively expensive, but this will be dependent on the gear you choose.

When you begin, you may not need to purchase a drum set. It is easy to begin with sticks and a practice pad. Once you learn to play rhythms with the hands, add the feet. At this juncture, you may want to invest in a drum kit.

A good drum set ranges from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. It depends on what you require, and whether you want new or used.

In summary, taking music lessons when learning how to play the drums can provide a structured learning environment with professional guidance, motivation and accountability, exposure to different styles, and networking opportunities.

All of these benefits can lead to a more well-rounded and enjoyable musical journey.

What does it cost to take drum lessons?

The average cost for drum lessons in the U.S. can vary widely depending on a number of factors such as location, teacher experience, lesson duration, and teaching format (in-person vs. online).

However, as a rough estimate, the cost for drum lessons in the U.S. typically ranges from $30 to $100 per hour-long session.

Some teachers may also offer discounts for package deals or longer-term commitments. Additionally, group lessons may be less expensive than one-on-one sessions. It’s important to do some research and compare prices in your area to find a teacher and price point that works best for you and your budget.

Memberships for online lessons cost $29 monthly. This allows you to access thousands of lessons, read questions and answers, submit videos to the teacher to review your technique, and access live coaching.

What is Required to Begin Playing?

Learning how to play the drums requires sticks and scheduled time. Drum kits aren’t always necessary to learn how to play. If you want to be self-taught or learn online, there is a plethora of content available for beginners. If you want an expert, online drum lessons or one-on-one lessons are available.

If buying a kit, ensure you have adequate space and that the carpet won’t slide. If you want to know how to start, all it requires is a decision to begin. If it isn’t for you, that’s fine. The worst thing will be that you may have to sell the set. However, you won’t know until you try.

How Much Space is Required?

You will need a few square feet for yourself and your drum set. A basic electronic drum kit has a smaller footprint than an acoustic one. It never hurts to give yourself a bit of extra space.

This is especially true if you aren’t certain how close your cymbal stands need to be or how close the seat should be near the drums. When purchasing your drum set, ask about the size of the footprint. Then measure the room to ensure it fits properly.

Is Learning to Read Sheet Music Required?

Learning to play doesn’t require you to read music. Several legendary, professional drummers don’t know how to read music yet have an established career in it. If you learn by listening and by feeling the rhythm, then reading sheet music is a bonus.

However, if you learn by reading, drum notation will allow you to pick up things quicker. It will help you better communicate with bandmates or the drum teacher. It is a valuable skill if you become a professional. Here is a guide for learning how to read sheet music.

Where to Go for Lessons

Drum lessons can be taken in music stores, virtually, or online. There are instructional videos on YouTube or apps. Learning how to play has never been easier!

The most important factor is finding a good, reputable teacher. They should have good student reviews, and you should feel comfortable with them teaching you. If you are concerned, try one or two lessons before deciding if they are the right teacher for you. They should additionally be a good fit for your learning style.

Whether you take one-on-one classes online, in-person instruction in a music store, or find a local teacher, you are the deciding factor on who you choose. You need to be happy with them.

Should you find you are not understanding playing drums with one teaching style, attempt to try something else. Anyone can learn to play drums. We all have different learning styles.

Should I Begin Playing?

Learning to play the drums requires energy and skill. Even with just a practice pad played sporadically or even if you play for fun, the expense is worth it. Most drummers love the sense of community received from other drummers. This makes learning worthwhile and enjoyable.

Are drums hard to learn? No! All you need is time to devote to learning. With the millions of resources available, you can either be self-taught or take lessons. It can be done at your leisure or during a set time each week.

The choice is up to you…

Happy Playing!

Picture of Jake
Passionately invested in the music world for over 20 years, Jake studied music for 14 years at the Royal Conservatory Of Toronto. He has a degree from Champlain College & Bishop’s University in Business & Music. He is the owner of Fly Away Music & Media Studio in Montreal since 2014, with over 500 happy artists recorded, mixed and mastered.

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