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Can You Use A Guitar Amp For Playing Bass? What You Really Need To Know (2023)

Can you use a guitar amp for playing bass? Learn why it may not be the best idea, the risks involved, and what kind of amp is suitable for bass.

Bass guitars and standard guitars may look alike, but they differ significantly in the range of frequencies they produce. While a standard guitar produces frequencies ranging from 82Hz to 1,197Hz, bass guitars produce frequencies ranging from 41Hz to 987Hz. As a result, bass guitars need a special amplifier that can handle their low-frequency range.

Can you use a guitar amp for playing bass

Let’s get into it!

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Can you use a guitar amp for playing bass?

Using a standard guitar amplifier with a bass guitar can result in distorted sound, damage to the amplifier, and even harm to the instrument. This is because a standard guitar amplifier is not equipped to handle the low-frequency range of a bass guitar.

The amplifier’s speakers may not be designed to produce the necessary low frequencies, which can cause the sound to be distorted or even lead to speaker damage.

In contrast, a bass amplifier is specifically designed to handle the low-frequency range of a bass guitar. It has a larger speaker and more power to reproduce the bass frequencies accurately, resulting in a clearer and more defined sound.

Therefore, it is essential to use a bass amplifier to get the best out of your bass guitar.

Will a bass guitar damage a regular amp?

Well, the truth is, you absolutely can plug a bass guitar into a standard guitar amp. You won’t need any special leads, the world won’t implode, and the amp won’t instantly burst into flames, but that’s not to say it’s a particularly good idea.

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What Are The Risks Of Playing A Bass Through A Guitar Amp?

Playing a bass through a guitar amp is as easy as plugging your ¼-inch jack into the amp input and flicking the on the switch, but here’s the thing…the speakers in a guitar amp aren’t designed to work with such low frequencies.

Have you ever seen a subwoofer in action? The surround and cone body dance all over the place. This is because lower frequencies move tons of air, and only large specialized speakers are capable of shouldering that burden.

The speakers in guitar amps just don’t move in the same way, meaning that the bass you’re plugging in for an impromptu band practice is going to sound strange, and worst of all, the pummeling low frequencies may even damage the speakers.

New amp speakers can be pretty pricey, depending on the type, and that’s money you could have put toward buying a specialist bass amplifier, to begin with.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…What about tuned-down 8 or 9-string guitars, or octave pedals? Surely they operate in the same frequencies as a bass, right? Why don’t they damage a guitar amp?

Well, octave pedals and super-tuned down guitars pose the exact same risks to a guitar amp as a bass, but some guitar amps are designed to handle that kind of input.

Metal-oriented amps, for instance, are made with the intention of someone chugging away on a B.C. Rich tuned to drop A, so it’s unlikely a bass will damage the speakers, unless, that is, you crank the volume too high.

What Does A Bass Sound Like When Played Through A Guitar Amp?

The second reason you may not want to plug a four-string into an amp designed to pump out six-string frequencies is the timbre of the sound.

For the uninitiated, timbre is the character of a sound. It’s the difference between playing a note on a flute and playing the same note on a piano, or, in this instance, playing a note on a bass through a guitar amp, and playing the same note through a bass amp.

As we just discussed, the speakers in guitar amps have a much smaller recoil than those found in their bass counterparts, meaning they’re incapable of pushing out sufficient air to produce high-quality bass frequencies.

When you play a bass through a guitar amp, instead of that full-bodied, rich, warm tone, you’ll hear quite a thin sound devoid of that essential bass power. You can drop the mids a little on the amp to reduce the tinny quality of the output, but then it becomes muddy and inarticulate.

If you’re practicing with a drummer, the bass won’t cut through quite as well, so naturally, you’ll dime the volume, but the louder you go, the worse the instrument will sound.

Past a certain volume, the frequency starts to break up, amounting to an unpleasant distortion that competes with guitars in the audio spectrum. Before you know it, everybody in the band has cranked their volume, and your neighbors have called the police.

That distorted bass sound is your speaker’s cry for help. It’s their way of telling you that they’re overloaded with your bass signal.

Related Article: How to restring a bass guitar

How To Protect Your Speakers When Playing A Bass Through A Guitar Amp

I don’t recommend it, but if you have no choice but to run your bass through a guitar amplifier, there are measures you can take to reduce possible damage to the speakers.

Wattage — Bigger is Better

Low-wattage amplifiers should be avoided if you’re planning to “slap-a-da-bass”. They don’t handle low frequencies well at all, so if you have the option, always choose a higher-wattage amp.

Volume — Listen To Your Speakers

Keeping the volume at a reasonable level is key! As long as you don’t hear that nasty break-up sound, the speakers are coping with the load.

Compressors — Your Secret Weapon

A standard compressor pedal such as the Boss CS-3 will act as a buffer, reducing the signal of your bass before it hits your amp, and keeping the speakers safe. What’s more, it will help to warm up and thicken your tone.

Active vs Passive Bass

If you’re using a passive bass, make sure to keep tabs on the master volume on the amp, but if you’re using an active bass with an integrated battery, you’ll need to keep the volume knob on the bass itself nice and low.

Input 1 vs Input 2

If your guitar amp has two inputs, use the second. This is almost always a lower decibel “rhythm” input.

Related Article: Is the base guitar easy to learn?

Can You Use A Guitar Amp For Playing Bass — Summing Up

If you need to plug your bass into a guitar amp, you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s a practice amp, a combo amp, a tube amp, or a stack, but the key takeaway here is that you need to be as kind to your speakers as possible as you play. 

Overload your amp with low frequencies, and you’ll potentially blow the speakers or at least deteriorate their sound quality.

Keep the volume at a reasonable level, listen for unwanted clipping, use a compressor pedal if you have one lying around, and your guitar amp should be just fine!


Why can’t I use a regular guitar amp for my bass guitar?

A regular guitar amp is not designed to handle the low-frequency range produced by a bass guitar. It can result in distorted sound, damage to the amp or speakers, and even harm to the guitar.

Can I use a bass guitar with a guitar amp in an emergency?

While it’s not recommended, you can use a guitar amp for a bass guitar in an emergency. However, you should keep the volume low and avoid playing for long periods to prevent damage to the amp or guitar.

Can I use a bass amp for a regular guitar?

Yes, you can use a bass amp for a regular guitar. It may not produce the same sound as a guitar amp, but it won’t cause any harm to the guitar or amp.

What kind of amplifier should I use for my bass guitar?

You should use a bass amplifier that is specifically designed to handle the low-frequency range produced by a bass guitar. It will produce a clearer and more defined sound, and it won’t cause any harm to the amp or guitar.

Happy Playing!

Picture of Jake
Passionately invested in the music world for over 20 years, Jake studied music for 14 years at the Royal Conservatory Of Toronto. He has a degree from Champlain College & Bishop’s University in Business & Music. He is the owner of Fly Away Music & Media Studio in Montreal since 2014, with over 500 happy artists recorded, mixed and mastered.

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